It is a liquid solution of fermented microbial origin, a product of nanotechnology, which strengthens the immune system of plants, helps them to grow, not to fall ill, to make delicious fruit and not to freeze in winter. It is NOT a chemical It is NOT a medicine.

The results of EcoPlant show the great potential created in the agriculture of the future, which upgrades and transforms traditional farming to a large extent to meet the challenges of the future.

It is used for root watering and leaf spraying, in all crops throughout the year, for conventional, biological and hydroponic crops.

It works at energy, molecular, metabolic and nutritional levels, helping plants absorb important nutrients (calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, cobalt, vitamins, amino acids).

In addition to being rich in nutrients, it also functions as perhaps the best internationally recognized carrier of trace elements and minerals from rocks and soil to plants. due to its microbial origin and its complex biological composition.

It accelerates the growth of plants and trees more than 3-5 times.

Increases productivity.

It strengthens the defense mechanisms and causes intense flowering.

Prevents the popping of fruits in cherries, grapes etc.

Production time in fruit and vegetables is prolonged.

Protects trees, plants and flowers from frost to -13 ° C.

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Improve the soil

In order to be able to grow plants the growing medium needs to meet at least three conditions. Good physical conditions for root growth is one. The minerals needed for growth and the soil biology must be present and well balanced. Soil improvement means that the soil forms a healthy growth environment for the plants. In this respect, a distinction must be made between soil improvement in the form of tillage, but also ensuring a right balance in the root zone (rhizosphere).

Optimizing the rhizosphere

Mycorrhizal fungi are microscopically thin and grow much farther than the roots can do, enlarging the root network and the absorption capacity. Mycorrhizal hyphae penetrate the finest soil pores to reach the available nutrients and convert them into the required amounts for the plant. The root hairs take care of the real uptake of water and minerals by exudating sugars that feed micro organisms (ao bacteria) who help to convert minerals and phosphate.

New and sterile potting soils contain no mycorrhizae and only small amounts of beneficial bacteria. At planting the soil biology is also severely distorted. By adding the right mycorrhiza spores and bacteria plants survive better, they have a higher natural resistance and it helps plants to mitigate adverse environmental stressors such as drought, salinity and extremes of soil pH. Mycorrhizal fungi and bacteria also take up available space in the soil. Thereby giving typical soil-borne diseases less or no chance to grow.

The pure and viable mycorrhiza spores and beneficial soil bacteria from PHC can be applied on serveral easy ways and ensure a better and vital growth of all plants.

Natural fertilization

The method of fertilization is an essential step in achieving and maintaining healthy soils. Chemical fertilizers cause a depletion of all factors that contribute to the building of fertile and rich soils. Natural plant-based fertilisers stimulate the presence of micro organisms and other soil life, improving the rootability of the soil and uptake capacity of the roots. The beneficial bacteria in the rhizosphere help the mycorrhizae with mineralization and transport of nutrients. Roots grow stronger and healthier and totally different than with the use of mineral fertilizers, reducing the need for fertilization. Soil improvement and a reduction of the use of chemicals also lead to a decrease of the CO2 emission.

Plant strengthening

Healthy and balanced growing plants have a great resistance to diseases and infestations. Natural plant enhancers can further encourage the production of antibodies by the plant itself. That reduces the number of fumigations with chemical pesticides and delivers better quality yields. Healthier, with less residue and less pressure on the soil, people and the environment.

Water management

Water is essential for all life forms.

Too little water in the ground gives desiccation of plants and soil life. Too much water causes a lack of oxygen making uptake by plants and soil life impossible. A well-managed moisture balance is of utmost importance for a healthy soil that can hold enough water and oxygen. The way in which water is given is therefore decisive for both the health of the plant and the soil. PHC has developed simple programmes to obtain desired results in a healthy way for the crop and workers – including the acidification of irrigation water, the cleaning of water tanks, pipes and the flushing of ballast salts.

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